
These are some errata that apply to the book 'Power Supplies Explained'

Thanks to Andy Palmer G4VDF for pointing out some errors

1. Chapter 19, ‘Power Supply test Equipment’ - each page heading erroneously says ‘Battery Back up Supplies’

2. Schematic 13.8 on page 231 is incorrect. See HERE for corrected version

3. Page 84: on time should be 7.054us, off-time 24.196us. In the following equation, 0.8A should read 0.7A, giving an inductance of 145.2uH

4. Page 89: equation should read C= (Ipp x1)/(2 Pi f Vpp) = 32uF

5. Page 92: Figure 6.15 caption should read ‘Snubber networks ’around…’

6. Page 102: (Vpk - Vaverage) should read (Ipk - Iaverage)

                        Formula  (L = E x t on / I peak ) should read (L = E x t on / I peak to peak)